Monday, October 27, 2008

Moment of Panic

The Bad news: Last night when I crawled into bed in my sweet, sweet relief from the day's exhaustion and to cuddle with my honey I totally forgot to set the alarm and we woke up 10 minutes before Grant was supposed to leave so he could catch the El (public mass transit train) into the city for work.

The Good news: Right next to the El stop two blocks away from us is a Metra (commuter train) stop and there is a morning train that allows him to leave 25 minutes later than normal and yet arrive in the city at the same time, and his walk from that station isn't much longer.


*You might wonder why Grant doesn't just take the Metra all the time if there is so much extra time for him to (and the train itself is much quieter, much nicer and stops much less frequently than the El). He's got a pass from the university that lets him ride the El and anything else on that system for free until the end of the semester in December, so we shoot for that.*


Jacqueline said...

Nice to know you have a fallback position.

Seth said...

Thats a good way to get the ole blood moving in the morning.

Who needs coffee when you can substitute shock and panic instead?