Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Battle of the Bulge Begins!

Elliptical machines have long since my best friend. When I started losing weight, first I concentrated on my diet and changing my eating habits and 20 pounds later I added 45 minutes a day on my employer's elliptical, conveniently located right outside my bedroom door. With the combination I took off another 70 pounds.

So I'm pretty excited to have one in our apartment!!

We "browsed" Craig's List just to see what was around and this one came at a pretty good price that we were even able to knock $50 off the asking price of! We looked it up and the average rating was 4.5 out of 5 stars on Amazon...out of over 200 reviews. And the work out gets me going just as well. Although...I do have to admit pregnancy and getting out of shape neglecting the gym for my husband's company have taken it's toll. I'm working my way back up to 45 minutes and I certainly am not near the resistance level I once had (but not because the machine isn't up for it!). I realized how bad it was getting while I was on the phone last week and I got winded because I was folding sheets while talking to my friend.

But, along with being around 10% of the cost of the one in my employer's basement this beauty has got something else the ones I'm used to working on don't and it is a beautiful thing. Complete silence. Not so much as a rustle. If someone wanted to watch TV while working out on the one my employers bought they had to turn the volume ALL the way up AND put on the captions because if the show had a quiet part you couldn't hear it. Not at all a problem here, folks! No joke, a baby could be sleeping in the same room and I can work out on this thing. Actually Grant could be sleeping in the same room and I can work out on this thing, and that's saying even more. In the words of James, the middle child of the family I used to work for: It. Is totally. Awwwwwwesome.

On our 2 month wedding anniversary Grant bought me a car.

On our 3 month anniversary, he bought me this sweet, sweet elliptical trainer.

For 4 months I hardly know what he'll pull out of his sleeve...not that I married him for his sweet, sweet gifts. Though, they are definitely a perk to being married to the Farns.

I do know that this machine is coming JUST in the knick of time. My latest weirdo pregnancy symptom is absolutely insatiable hunger! If Dieting were an Olympic sport, I'd be a gold medalist, I know the difference between actual hunger and eating because you're bored or know it tastes good and want more. But I will have my square meal and then an hour later or so my stomach will literally start growling! So I'll wait it off, just to make sure I'm not bored or have my mind on something yummy in the fridge I want to eat, but it just gets worse!

So. I'm giving in. I'll still eat healthy (when the pangs hit last night at 10 o'clock I had a plain salad with skinless chicken breast, thankyouverymuch) but dang it, I'm pregnant. If I'm legitimately hungry I think I should eat!

And thanks to my oh-so-sweet husband buying me this elliptical I can do it guilt-free.

Life is definitely goooood.


Jacqueline said...

Good deal! Are you going to be able to get Grant on it? That would be a coup.

Seth said...

We want an elliptical. That sounds awesome. We thought about buying one while Kristina was pregnant but we just couldn't afford it.

Sounds fun though. Maybe if we do get one eventually, we will get the same one you guys got.

Grant said...

Yeah, it's a pretty amazing machine. I thought it was overpriced because it was way more than Mom's (and heavier too), for example, but the first time she used it and I realized it was silent I shut my mouth.

Ellipticals are a really good deal if you use it, which Ashley does.

We also just bought a dSLR camera. Such excellent consumers!

Laura said...

Single-handedly trying to boost the economy, eh Grant? hehe.

That's sooo awesome, Ashley! I especially like the quiet. My treadmill is an awesome machine an I love it, but it certainly requires closed-captioning and increased volume! :o)

Kristina said...

We so want an elliptical or a treadmill. But we don't have room for one at all. But it would be so nice to be able to have one at home, especially now that the weather is getting cooler :(

Grant said...

Yeah, treadmills are particularly large (and noisy). We certainly don't have a ton of space in our house at the moment, so we really had to prioritize our treadmill spacewise.

John Mc said...

Elliptical machines are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. I think I need to get a new one, unfortunately. It's starting to squeak and I don't want to take it apart and figure out where in the innards I need to apply the oil.