Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Becoming a member of the family...

When I met my sweet mother-in-law last December (little did I know...) she was raving about the Twilight series. Then I married Grant and I came to learn that pretty much all of the women in the clan whether immediate, extended or married in have read everything by Stephanie Meyer. I made the joke that even changing my name wouldn't make my joining the family official until I had read the Twilight series.

So Jackie sent me the whole dang set!

I've been reading them at work (because I work insanely slow shifts) and the mailman and I have even become buddies. When he came in to the deliver the mail saw me reading the first one, his eyes lit up and he announced, "I jus' finished readin' the EEE-clipse!" Yes, that's right. Not "eclipse" but "EEE-clipse".

Grant has been feeling a little left out, so I have started reading them to him, especially on evenings when we haven't received a red envelope from Netflix. We're having a lot of fun with it. We even found some trailers for the movie coming out later (my mailman friend has the screensaver for it in anticipation) and he's promised to take me. I'm already looking forward to it. He's even more eager to finish the book.

I enjoy pointing out to him all the ways we're like Edward and Bella, and reading them for myself, really.

But we're only a few chapters into Twilight and I'm only halfway through Breaking Dawn, so no spoilers in the comments, please!

However, this is just one of many examples of the time I'm having enjoying settling into being married to Grant. Including all the customs that come along with joining his family and turning into part of it.


jonibologna said...

ohhhh I cannot wait for you to finish them all so we can discuss. Listen, I am not a big reader of fiction, I haven't even made it through the whole harry potter series (i plan on it though) but I read all of the twilight series in one week. It completely transformed me into a twitterpatted 13 year old girl! soooo fun! so yeah, and when yer done with those, read stephenie myers other book- The Host- its great too. plus shes writing more sequels to that one. Oh and be sure to check out her website too, there is really fun stuff that goes with all of her books! k mmmmwah! love ya

Kristina said...

We're all just a bunch of crazy Twilight lovin' Farnsworths now :P You've been to a reunion, you've read Twilight, you can handle anything now :P ha ha.
Seth has probably told you that me reading to him is our big thing. It is how we spend most of our evenings. It is my great mission to turn him into a semi-cultured person by introducing him to better literature than just Wizard's First Rule :P So far all I've really succeeded in culturing him in is the Twilight world :) I'm glad you are having fun. Breaking Dawn is so good :) The Host is still my favorite though, you will definitely have to read that one too, and then the Midnight Sun excerpt :)

Jacqueline said...

Welcome to the family!!! Isn't it fun!!! Glad you are enjoying them. I thought you would and I thought Grant would also.

Michelle said...

You know, I read them all, and I have to say, I'm not a fan. All the characters are flat and the plot seems forced to me. The entire time I was reading them I kept thinking "This is so fake!" and not the vampire part, but the relationships between the characters. Even fantasy books have to have believable relationships. No offense to those who like them, but I've read much better books, even fantasy.

Ashley said...

Really? I totally thought she really nailed the whole first Love thing.

And Love triangles? That was pretty real too...

Grant said...

Actually my problem with it is it's too realistic. Obnoxious little boy crazy teenage girls obsessing about their prom dresses. Unacceptable! I have tried to block out junior high, and I never had to live through that part of it because I was born with the gift of a Y chromosome.

Apparently the second half has more action. And less little girlness. I'm holding out for that...

Grant said...

Oh and one thing I forgot: backstabbing, rumors, and trying to divy up the men. That's exactly like a bunch of 16 year old girls. I'll take all the talk about what everyone is wearing and the obsessing over boys they hardly know (like edward) over the dang gossip.

I want killing. Blood. Warfare if possible. And some technology. Like an F22. That would be good.

Michelle said...

But there's no reason for him to love her! He just does. She has some mysterious quality that is just irresistable to him. WTC? Seriously? I understand that can be a basis for a crush, but a long term love (which is what she's trying to create) isn't based on that. It'd get so old after a while! Their relationship has no foundation. It's all based on this mystical attraction they have for each other, that is built on absolutely NOTHING!! If it were just a "first love" thing, that would be fine because everyone acts the fool at 17. But that's not what she's trying to create with these characters. She's trying to create a great love story and a great love story can't be built on mystical cords of attraction. There has to be more! It's puppy love that is being stretched out to a lifelong relationship, and to me that is completely unrealistic.

In 5 years, Bella and Edward are divorced and bitter because they never figured out that maybe she might not want to be a stay at home mom and wants to get a job, while he expected her to get up and make breakfast everyday. They never talked about before they ran off and got married and had a kid, and they never bothered to create any relationship skills because they were so busy being "perfect" for one another. Anyway, I've got strong feelings on this book. Maybe I need to write my own blog about it.

But just an aside, I agree with Grant. An F22 needs to swoop in and blow Forks off the map. Huge explosion, fireball you can see from space. That'd be awesome. ;)

But I still love you Ashley, even if we don't agree on the book. ;)

Grant said...

But their attraction is the kind that lasts forever. I mean, she may get old and fat but her blood will always be delicious. That's a much better foundation than lust, which is what most love stories are based on.

Ashley said...

Oh, come on. She fascinates him because she's impervious to his "gift" and then they go through all the crazy drama together.

And don't let Grant's comments fool you. He keeps asking for more.

Lybi said...

I think that you don't understand why Edward loves her because you are seeing it from her perspective. She is very humble. She is not going to go on and on about her good qualities, but you can see that she is very unselfish and kind-hearted--even brave, though clumsy. Edward thinks she has a noble soul and is fascinated by how different she is from the other girls he knows (like Rose) that are very superficial.
In fact, the only thing that would leave someone wondering why he loves her is that she is not stunningly beautiful, but THAT is the quality most prone to fading over time anyway (at least as a mortal).

I think they'll make it because they both want to help one another more than they want to be selfish. Bella won't ever have to cook breakfast, but even if she did, she would never whine about it and use it as a reason to leave Edward.

RiLee said...

I love these books...we read two fo them for book clubs, and I can't wait for the movie