Well, we are pleased to report that married life is certainly treating us well.
Very, very well.
The past few weeks have been a bit of Honeymooning and a bit of trying to get into the swing of not being single. It's really quite interesting...sometimes in the evening and I realize that neither of us are going home. In fact, we are Home. It's strange but always a lovely feeling that washes over.
Settling in
We're spending the summer in the little studio apartment I had already arranged to sublet back in the Spring. It all worked out beautifully, because I'm sure Grant's roommate appreciates not living with newlyweds and we certainly appreciate having space to ourselves. I actually sublet this apartment from two men who were sharing it as college roommates. As we have made it our summer nesting grounds, this actually blows my mind. The only reason it's tolerable to us as a 2-person dwelling is that we're literally trying to have our bodies and things all occupy the same space. How they came out of this year sane is beyond me. It would have driven me crazy.
But they're both men and foreigners, so maybe it was different for them.
I think it was more the former than the the latter that impacted the fact they never knew there was a medicine cabinet behind the bathroom mirror until I came over to look at the apartment with less than 2 months left in their lease.
Overlap, compliments and trying new things
Grant and I always knew that we had fun together and would make a very compatible married couple. It's really quite awesome to see how many ways it's true, small and large.
As single people, we both had impressive DVD collections and as it turns out we also owned a significant percentage of the same flicks. There aren't too many that one of us would enjoy and the other wouldn't...at least on some level. He does tend to roll his eyes at my extensive selection of mindless action movies (his least favorite is The Day After Tomorrow-he says we have to hide that one from our children). I find his five versions of Pride and Prejudice quite endearing...if a little excessive. Although there are certain similarities to that story and our own.
Recently, we went to the grocery store and I took him down every aisle very carefully asking him about his tastes and pointing out mine. It was quite fun how many times our tastes overlapped both in favor and against certain things. I never knew neither of us like swiss cheese or sour cream. Those are only a couple of examples of things I can recall off the top of my head, but it was fun to see.
But there is also a large measure of complimentary connection which sweetens our marriage as well. I think our largest challenge is finding a happy medium between our natural sleeping habits.
The Good Stuff
It seems like that's where life is for us right now as we're settling into establishing our family. It's just the Good Stuff. It's waking up and laughing at morning breath, it's tenderly being attended when I don't feel well, it's being so excited for him to walk through the door when he spends the day at the office at school even though I've kept myself busy from one task to another all day long, it's his delight and appreciation for a meal of simple chicken and frozen vegetables.
I think I speak for both of us when I whole-heartedly announce that Married Life is treating both of us well. Very well indeed.
Saturday Morning News
7 years ago
What a sweet commentary on married life. Thanks for sharing with us. It is a delightful journey with many wonderful surprises.
Yea for marriage! I think realizing that we didn't have to separate at night was the best part for us. It was always sad to have to send Seth home at night and when I didn't have to do it anymore, it was amazing :)
What a cute post! And what a brilliant idea to go grocery shopping together. After 4 1/2 years of marriage I feel like I'm not always sure what Caleb likes. But he doesn't do a very good job of telling me either, so I'll blame him for that one. :P
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