Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mommy's Other Sous Chef

Elliot used to hang out with me in the kitchen quite a bit.  Kendra hasn't spent any time in there in quite a while, but occasionally the Jedi Mommy part of my brain kicks in when she's having a hard day and I have her "assist" me with simple tasks while I cook or otherwise prepare food.  It's pretty effective at turning a bad day into a good one.  It totally redirects her and she gains a lot of confidence from learning new skills and helping me with real household tasks.

One bleak weekend morning, I had her help me season the tomato sauce to can (I don't buy prepared marina sauce, I make my own from canned tomato sauce instead).  As per usual, she was awesome.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

When "the Jedi Mommy part of my brain kicks in!" Such a perfect way to put it! LOL! I wish moments like that happened much more frequently though.