Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sweet Elliot

Elliot is a very, very sweet little boy and always has been.  Even as a small infant, he began smiling weeks before Kendra did and soooo much more than either of his siblings have.

All these videos are several months old, but they capture different parts of his personality very well.

This one was right after his birthday in June and we were trying to record his little kissy face, but Grant got him to demonstrate how cuddly he can be, too.

One evening we were playing around before bed and caught a little video of it.  I spend loooots of my time doing stuff like this with Elliot.

And this last one is more recent, right before Paxton was born.  As a parent, it's easy to get sucked into wanting to buy your kids ALL OF THE CRAP you see in stores, but it turns out kids are so easily entertained with the simplest things.  Like a $1 pinwheel...

I know they're not much, but I feel like little videos of simple things are pretty neat.  I know I'd be totally fascinated to see footage like this of my own childhood and we already appreciate what we've got of Kendra at this age because it turns out kids go and grow up whether they get your permission to or not...

Our sweet little Elliot.

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