Thursday, January 14, 2010

Instilling a love for books...

...though not necessarily reading them.

We've mentioned before on here that we've been making certain acquisitions for our children's library (Santa even helped us round out our smattering of Dr. Suess tales). I read to her pretty often, but we're just getting to the point that she'll actually sit in my lap and let me read her a story--as long as I only read the board books that are only one short sentence per page. Anything other than that, and I can read aloud in the same room as her while she crawls around, but don't expect her to be interested. Someday, right?

One recent quiet evening I realized it was a little too quiet (I can't believe how fast the age of quiet being a sign of trouble came!) and after a little investigation I found this:

That's right, she cleared out the entire shelf.

And gave each book an individual examination.

And then sat down in the pile of her library to reexamine a few of them...

It's a vast spread.

Just as I'm about to groan, she goes and gives me a face like this:

So I can't be that annoyed. For long.

I was worried that like with the one shelf of DVDs that she clears out as many times a day as I'm willing to put them back for her, that she'd be emptying this shelf all the time. I totally lucked out though, because it's been over 10 days now and this was the only time she's done it. So far.

Though I do look forward to the time I can start reading these to someone besides myself and they're something besides a fun toy to pull off the shelf...


Jacqueline said...

Busy, busy, busy little girl. She loves exploring and discovering. Reminds me of Number Five--Need input, need input. Good luck, Mom, you are going to need it.

Scott and Kel said...

Once again my friend I wish I could tell you they learn to put them back by the time they are 2, but I just can't tell you that and feel good about myself! he,he And to think there are those that say us Mom's don't do anything all day. PSSHHHAAA!

Lybi said...

Sam did this EVERY SINGLE DAY from the time he was 9 months old to about 2 1/2. Eventually, I just started keeping his books in a big basket. And any kind of book that was NOT a board book died a horrible death. But here he is today, an avid reader! He just finished Harry Potter 4 today and is already half way through HP 5. And he's in 3rd grade. It's a good sign!

Kristina said...

Cute! Simeon does that a lot too. Only after he pulls them ALL off the shelf will he pick one to sit down and look at. The same is true with toys :)

Danielle said...

Ahh, my kids love books too! They go through fazes and the same books for weeks at a time. I totally have "The Mixed-Up Chameleon" memorized. And little do they know I have boxes and boxes of chapter books just waiting for them when they get to that age!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha, silence is NEVER a good sign! It seems to be an indication that their up to no good! I LOVE that last picture of Kendra, you can tell that she knows you can't resist that adorable smile, even if she is a little trouble maker!