This morning Ashley woke me up a little early to give me some great news: she had been laboring through much of the night and was pretty much ready to be taken to the hospital. We arranged for someone to watch the kids and headed straight down. On arrival the nurses skeptically asked how we know we are in labor. Are you kidding? We are professionals at this. Well, Ashley is.
We proceeded to the room where Ashley got down to the business of laboring.
Such a good sport!
Labor was a few hours...three or so. Then it came time to push. I expected this to be our easiest birth (Ashley isn't sick, she went in with a great attitude, and she has four babies worth of experience under her belt) but the delivery part was unexpectedly hard. Like real hard, even if it was a relatively short 12 minutes. I was a little confused by how much trouble she was having, actually. As our baby came out we learned why...he's a monster. (Yes, that's right, HE...none of us knew the gender until today).
Welcome to Seth Verdell Farnsworth, born today around noon
He's a wonderful, healthy baby. We are both gaga about him. Really, he seems more like a several month old baby, and has the sweetest disposition.
You can see that he's a little large in my arms. That's because he arrived weighing a whopping 11 pounds 3 ounces. Yes, you read that right. He's the biggest newborn you will ever run into. 23 inches tall. The nurse said she could easily imagine him crawling as he is. She also said the placenta was absolutely enormous. What a weight off Ashley's back, so to speak!
Mother and son are doing great. This was a natural birth with no epidural or anything and with no complications other than some unexpected frustration with how difficult he was to bring into the world. All things considered, Ashley is due some serious congratulations and respect.
The first few pictures out of the box that include mommy aren't 100% fit for the internet, but if you have ever wondered what an 11 pound, 3 ounce baby looks like moments after birth, take a glance:
The doctor said he was just a hair off of setting the record. I'm not sure whether that means the hospital record or more likely her own delivery record, but he is quite the special baby any way you look at it, and in so many respects. We are super delighted to welcome him to the family.