Friday, June 11, 2010

When Mommy is away...

A couple of weeks ago I had a church function on a Saturday morning and I left my 2 favorite people in the world at home to keep each other company in my absence.

When I came home, our apartment looked like a tornado had blown through!

This shot does give you an idea...sort of.  It was pretty crazy, though.  I mean, I can't make plans with anyone to do anything on Mondays because I spend it "cleaning up after Hurricane Grant and Tropical Storm Kendra", but this was only noon on Saturday and we still had a good 30+ hours of weekend left!

And apparently, while when Daddy comes home, it's sprint for the door to give him kisses as soon as she hears the keys.  But when Mommy comes home, she didn't even notice!  Hoser!

Yes, I just called my one-year-old daughter a "hoser".
Anyway.  When I finally went to her and picked her up (I'm not gonna lie, it was weird to be out without her for just a couple of hours), I noticed something different.  Like the fact that she was covered in BLUE!

We're still not quite sure how that happened...let me know if you figure it out, though, k?

It was fun to go out for a little while, but the best part was definitely coming home...I love my family.  Even if they do destroy the house and get mysteriously covered in ink while my head is turned, I wouldn't trade them for anything.


Kristina said...

cuteness :) Gotta love those little kids, especially the little boys called daddy ;) Less than a til we see you! We can add Earthquake Simeon to the mix and have some real fun. ;) Actually Simeon is just straight up a bull dozer I think :)

Danielle said...

So if Kendra doesn't destroy the house when you're home, then we can blame Grant, right? What's he doing throwing stuff all over the floor? Sheesh.

Scott and Kel said...

Ha, ha...the mess doesn't get any better with more time or more kids when Dad is left alone, just an FYI. Also, at least your little sweetie was only covered in blue ink, my poor little one was covered in blue bruises...if you recall my fat lipped babes when I went to a movie with a friend and left Daddy in charge. It's so funny how much they struggle when it's not what they do every day and it just seems like normal life to us!