Friday, January 20, 2012

Our DC trip: Day One, the monuments

That first day in D.C. was just gorgeous, so we went ahead and made the big, long, long, long, long trek to see some monuments and memorials.  It didn't seem like it would be that long when we started...

First, the Washington Monument because we were already pretty close to it.

 Then we made the schlep down to the Lincoln Memorial.  The reflecting pool located between these first two sites was all torn up for construction, but there were still some pretty neat things to look at along the way.  Most of them we knew about beforehand, but one surprised us.  Particularly, this black and extremely not-afraid-of-humans squirrel.

 Seriously, this dude was this close to climbing up into our stroller.

We would have liked to take a look at the White House, but this was as close as we got.

And the Vietnam memorial--I don't think I have any family whose name is on the wall, but I do have a great-uncle who was there.

Then we got to Lincoln.

Random fact about me: I'm related to Lincoln somehow.  If I weren't so lame, I'd know the facts, but that's as specific as I know for sure.

And there's a pretty great view of the Washington Monument from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

From there, we headed out to the Jefferson Memorial.  WOW, was that a walk!  But it was pretty great and the weather was beautiful, so we're super glad we took the time to do it.

We know the significance of all this is totally over her head, but it was still neat to show them to Kendra.

A pretty neat way to spend an afternoon...


Jacqueline said...

Beautiful pictures. We missed the Jefferson monument when we were there when we were first married because it was kind of out of the way. But the Lincoln monument brought tears to our eyes. Nice to be related to someone who is related to Lincoln.

Jacqueline said...

Man, you have been doing some serious blogging today. Good deal!