Monday, May 16, 2011

Enjoying the outdoors

The chalkboard isn't the only place Kendra likes to draw...

(And she totally dragged that rocking chair out to the patio by herself.  This girl knows she's got country roots.)

Since she likes to be outside so much, we busted out the PlayYard which beautifully adjusted to our current needs so now we can let her play while I get stuff done inside if I need to.

As long as I only need to be inside, that is...

Because this sort of looks like someone who's not content to be confined.

Oh, the frustration!

Luckily she didn't have to suffer the insanity long--our camera takes pictures very quickly.  :)


Jacqueline said...

What a clever play yard. Just the right size, she gets fresh air and is safe. Love it. What a pretty girl.

Scott and Kel said...

Oh how I wish I could even have a patio to confine my crazy kids in :) Your grass looks so inviting...I so hate my dirt right now. I have to remind myself I have a beautiful home with so much room and one day I'll have grass to play with my kiddies on. Cute pics!!!

Danielle said...

Are those curls in her hair? Why have I not noticed that before? And that play yard is awesome! What a great idea. My kids love chalk... until I glance away and they start breaking it into pieces and chucking it all over the yard and it gets taken away. :P

Kristina said...

Ha ha so cute! Her little face sure lets you know how unfair life is for a 2 year old. Your apartment building looks beautiful. How fun that you have a nice little patio area, and how awesome that you've discovered a way to close it off.