Sunday, May 31, 2015

Lion Hunts

Last summer, the kids were pretty into "Goin on a Lion Hunt" (a song game that Grant plays with them fairly frequently).  So, they'd circle the piece of grass outside our patio door every chance they got.  Clothing was optional for some.

Bridget was too small to participate, even though she was rolling really, really early, but she had her own fun little trick where she'd look up to check out who was holding her.

These kids are pretty dang fun.  We feel really lucky that we get to be their parents.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Our Last Bug Fair

We are currently making our plans and preparations to leave State College, but the first thing we did to make ready was attend the Bug Fair one more time.  Our kids have really enjoyed it and it was really fun again.

Looking at bugs, touching bugs, learning about bugs, listening to songs about bugs, making craft bugs...maybe lying down on the floor for a few minutes because that's all so exhausting...but still, a super fun day out with the family.

It's so much fun that they're big enough and numerous enough to do stuff like this with them.

We will definitely miss the Bug Fair...